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Below is a table of permissions available in TheGoldEconomy. Use these to control which commands your players can use.

Default Permissions

PermissionCommand / AccessDescription
thegoldeconomy.balance/bank balanceView own bank balance
thegoldeconomy.balance.others/bank balance <player>View other players’ balances
thegoldeconomy.deposit/bank deposit [amount]Deposit gold into bank account
thegoldeconomy.withdraw/bank withdraw [amount]Withdraw gold from bank account pay <player> <amount>Send gold to another player

Non-default Permissions

PermissionCommand / AccessDescription
thegoldeconomy.set/bank set <player> <amount>Set a player’s bank balance
thegoldeconomy.add/bank add <player> <amount>Increase a player’s bank balance
thegoldeconomy.remove/bank remove <player> <amount>Decrease a player’s bank balance